Monday, December 29, 2014

India's Foreign Policy: The contradiction and                  similarities between two Ms.

The Foreign policy of India has always been that of a Non- aligned nation. What does it mean to be a non-alinged nation. Non- alinged means we are not with any groups.Groups means the two powerful parts of the world controlled by erstwhile USSR and USA. Infact, we are called the pioneer of the non- alinged movement along with the Ugoslavia of Marshal Tito. As the time passed, the global order changed. We had to open our economy thanks to LPG policy of Manmohan and Narsimha Rao, the then PM and FM respectively. 
The country started riding on the wave of very fast economic growth, though no match to china. Amid all these years and events the foreign policy of our country has changed dramatically and immensely. 

                 Now the Look East Policy was reverted to Look West Policy and we started following western countries not only by their economic policies but their cultures and tradition too. The Last two UPA tenure was mainly focussed on a warm relation with USA. Manmohan realised that the country needs a lot more foreign investment and so MNCs were invited. Investment increased and the result was seen in UPA-1. but what was lacking in the foreign policy of Manmohan is his inability to engage the neighbour countries. and it is here where the foreign policy of the Manmohan govt. failed.

     Now look at the foreign policy of Narendra Modi. Since the time he has become the prime minister of the country, his most important agenda is to engage neighbourhood in a warm relationship with India. Being a dominant power in South Asia India should and must lead south asia, not the hegemonic China. At the same time his hard stance against ceasefire violation is adorable. We must be very pragmatic as far as our interest is concerned. His penchant for luring American investors is also worth praising. The policy of the India should be such that on one hand it must have a good trade relation with the world powers and on the other hand it must have a amiable relations with its neighbours. This was the point where the Manmohan Govt. failed.
The sign is bright , lets hope it will help in shining of the whole south Asian region.

Monday, December 22, 2014

                                  The Beautiful Girl

The moment I saw you,
I was pulled by a string.
I was mesmerized by your beauty,
And your voice hypnotized me.

It was not just your appearance,
It was your beautiful heart,
Filled with lots of emotions
As well as mild anger of some sort.

The way you were overreacting,
So humorous were your expressions
I was giggling by inside,
But I had to show some compassion.

You were a true friend,
I will miss you forever.
Your singing of old songs,
And your gracious behavior.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

                                                      Rise And Run

The darkness has gone,
The sun rays has come
Rise dear friend
Goal is in front  of you,
Run, Run  and Run.

                                             Walking is superficial,

                                             It doesn't yield anymore.
                                             If you want to achieve,
                                             you have to soar.

You will face many hurdles,
but never give up.
Learn to face them,
then only you can rise up.

                                               Take the challenges,

                                               Do all the rigor
                                              imagine the gleaming faces of your parents,
                                              When you will become an IAS Officer.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Great Bhangra Show

When the general election 2014 was announced, one of the most trusted newspapers focused a special page for the election and named it “The Dance of Democracy”. The page contains stories about the big leaders of all political parties. Now when I read newspaper, I go on this page straight away escaping the sports page which has been  my first preference on non- election days. The comments range from the biggest Bahu Smriti Irani to the most qualified bachelors duo NaRa. While one has accepted recently that he had faced the atrocity of marriage at the age of 17, the other one doesn’t want dynastic politics in India. I know you intelligent people must have figured it out which I am talking about, so I presume no further clarification. In the meanwhile I forget to mention the biggest common man. He is so common that his name coincides with 15 percent of the rural youth. Yes, Arvind is a very common name in the rural part of India. Due to him the word “common” has become the word of the year according to a report revealed by the Oxford University Press recently.
One day sitting in the library, my eyes were stuck on a beautiful girl sitting in front, but my mind was busy somewhere else. With the newspaper lying on the table, I realize that the headline “The dance of the democracy” is not suitable. It should be something like “The great Bhangra show”. Because, of all the Indian dances Bhangra is the most eventful. If we calculate the correlation coefficient between the two parameters “Bhangra” and “our political leader campaign programme”, it tends to 1.
                                  Qualitatively, it can be explained as - to perform a Bhangra you need no steps to learn, just move your leg and hands coherently with frequent jumping in between and you are doing Bhangra. Similarly our leaders move from one rally to others with helicopters funded by adanis, cursing each other and staging “Dharnas” perform their Bhangra.
But despite so much energy and enthusiasm this dance doesn’t excite me as I always leave the CSH when the Bhangra starts. Moreover I am not going to enjoy the Bhangra this year too as I have already made up my mind for “NOTA”.


Monday, April 14, 2014


Note- The article written is an informative satire from the writer. It is not written to insult women. The main focus is on the newly established all women bank. This article may prove helpful for the knowledge of current affair.

Women’s are so self-centered that they want everything of their own, and our government always appeases them, either through the demand of 33 % reservation in the parliament or the Rahul Baba cliché “ we want women empowerment” to answer every question of the one and only Mr. Arnab Goswami. Recently the news heard was too shocking for me. The women will have their own bank. What the crap is this? Look the women empowerment policy of Rahul Baba ,  first bank established by the act of parliament. O my god, have they established any bank earlier by the act of parliament? The answer is a big nooo….. ,because they  were not all the women bank na. what they have done was that they  nationalized the bank in 1969 and 1980. The story of the women doesn’t end here, they named the bank Bhartiya Mahila Bank, and more so over all the employees will be women. This is just the conspiracy to keep the men unemployed and pressurized them to perform the household works in place of their wives. After reading such a shocking news half way, I stopped and a thought came in my mind that though the bank is fully women, but who will govern the bank, because are the women so qualified to govern a bank? If they can’t govern their mother-in- laws , how can they govern such a monolithic institution. My all speculations were brushed aside as I read further . What?? the bank will have eight member governing bodies and all the members will be women. Now the water was reaching my throat. I could feel now that there is no scope in this country for the men. It was horrifying to think that in future my wife will move to the office and I will have to cook the food, prepare the children for school and many more. The conspiracy has already begun, 7 branches already opened in the metropolitan cities like delhi, Mumbai, Chennai… etc. The danger has also started reaching to the tier 2 cities, as a new branch will be opened in Indore very soon.

                                          Now I tried to adopt a reconcillatory approach. Now , it was the matter of survival for all men. Many of my  friends approached me sharing their grievances about the establishment of the bank. We sat together and figured an idea… because we have the ultimate brain power na… we are not the Rahul baba… we envisaged that our sisters or wives or any female relative will be employed in the bank , we can get the bank loan through them for our flase business, as the women are not very sceptic, we can easily get the loan. But , one of my friend Dabba, who never does any productive work , threw the paper towards us and told… you fool people, first read the whole news then plan. The last shock of the day kept us weeping as we read in the newspaper “ the bank can only provide loan to the women for the small and medium business”.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

                                Is Bihar really growing??

I belong to the place which has taught the world "what is democracy?". I belong to the place which  has given the world "zero". I belong to the place which has given the world knowledge about economics. I belong to the place  where the world famous Nalanda University was situated. I belong to the place where the great god "Gautam Budh" got the eternal knowledge sitting under a tree. I always feel proud to belong to this part of the country,but the  thing that Bihar is among one of the poorest region in the world always baffles me and leave me into a sheer disappointment.  

                                       Though the glorious period of Bihar is a long back history, one question which comes naturally in my mind is " how can a society trap into such a regressive whirl ?". what could be the reason of falling down of this great state?, till now i couldn't find the reason. I am 22 years old and out of these years , i have spent 18 years of my life in Bihar. Born in a village in a farmer's  family, my childhood days were mostly spent in the tobacco and potato field with my father. My father and mother who were the just two literate person in my family of 16 at that time, always dreamt about me to become a civil engineer. But they had no idea how to provide me a quality education. I got admitted in the village school. The school had no bench-desk, the students used to take their jute bags called " bora". Instead teaching,female teachers were busy in knitting sweaters and male teachers were discussing about village elections. I was sent to a well reputed private school after my class sixth . Now when I return back in my memory lane , i realise that those were the reason the literacy rate of the state is the lowest among all . Most of my classmates of the village school are either working in their field or just doing nothig  having no skills. aren't they the reason why the state is backward? and who is responsible for that? the clear answer is the state government. 

                                    Today people talk too much about the growth story of Bihar. The TIME magzine has praised the CM Nitish Kumar for his development model. The GDP growth rate is fastest among all the states. Reservations are given to the underprivileged  and downtrodden section of the society. We can see some sign of growth on the ground too. But, what is happening with the primary education? It is being devastated. Most of the teachers recruited  have no knowledge,  even some of them doesn't know about english alphabet. How can they groom the child in school?. The scenario is all the same what it was 15 years back. The ability deprived teacher will destroy the whole education and  i can't imagine what is going to happen with the future of those children who are attending the goverment schools. So on this count i would say that Bihar is really not growing and it is going 100 years back by laying the foundation of such an education system which will only produce the knowledgeless and useless  literates.