Saturday, February 14, 2015

A ray of hope in Indian Democracy.

After the shocking performance by the UPA-2 government on all front, with great hope the people of this country elected BJP and it's leader Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister of India. Citing that the Modi govt. has performed excellently well in Gujrat on economic front , and BJP was the only strong opposititon of congress at the national level, the people of the country overwhelmingly supported Modi for the Prime Ministerial post. We expected quick policy decisions by the government which could improve state of the economy which is happening. But what Mr. Modi is only focussing about is building a robust relationship with the neighbours and the foreign countries. It seems like the government has completely forgotten about the problems of the common man. Their problem is inflation, corruption, education, health-care etc. , but the govt. is not considering even an iota about these problems. The budget spending allocated to the MNREGA was  cut down. The educational budget and funding of the IIT was also cut down. This is unreasonable and doesn't make any sense.

As the beauty of Democracy is that the people get chance to teach the lesson very soon, the people got it in Delhi and shown their displeasure with the Modi Government. While we can't say it was a referendum on modi government considering the populist election agenda by the AAP, but decimation of BJP shows it was not just only Kejriwal factor. There must have been something negative about the government in the mind of the people. 

SO, after UPA and NDA failure to fulfill the aspirations of 1.2 billion people of the country, the emergence of AAP is a ray of hope for the Indian Democracy. Though the populist measures like free water and electricity at half prices seems unsustainable, let's see how the AAP led government fulfill their Promises. Though the promises done by the AAP doesn't look practically viable, it is certainly the duty of the government to make it viable and turn this ray of hope into a full glown sunlight to enlighten the India socially, economically and politically. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What is the difference between an ordinary bill and a money bill? How a money bill is passed?

The bill introduced in the parliament is of two types- Ordinary bill or Non-money bill and the second one is the Money bill.
The Money bills are bills which contain provisions with regards to
1. The imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of any tax.
2. The regulation of borrowing of money or giving of any guarantee by the govt. of India.
3. The custody of the consolidated fund or the contingency fund.
4. The appropriation of the money out of the consolidated fund.
5. The receipt of money out of the consolidated fund or public account.
All other bills apart from the money bills are the ordinary bills.

The money Bill cannot be introduced in the Rajya Sabha. It is only introduced in the Lok Sabha and through the normal procedure the bill is passed. After that the bill is sent to the Rajya sabha for the recommnedation which has to send the recommmendation within 14 days failing to which the bill is considered passed. Even if the Rajya Sabha sends it recommendations within 14 days , it is the discretion of the Lok Sabha to consider it or not. After that the bill is sent to the president for the final assent who cannot withhold it.

"The President is an essential part of the Parliament". Do you agree with this statement??

"The President is an essential part of the Parliament". Do you agree with this statement??

The President is not only the essential part of the parliament but also an inseparable part of it. The argument can be drawn from the following authority provided to the President by Our constitution.
(1) The president can summon or prorogue the parliament anytime it deemed necessary.
(2) The president has the authority to dissolve the lok sabha.
(3) The president can adress the joint sesssion of the parliament.
(4)The president can call joint session of the parliament in case of difference on opinion in any case of money bill, or promulgation of an ordinance.
(5) The president has the power to nominate 12 members of the Rajya Sabha and not more than 2 members of Anglo-Indian community in Lok Sabha in case their representation is not significant after election.

So on the basis of the above legislative authority provided to the president , it is fairly evident that president is the most important and essential part of the Parliament.