Monday, December 29, 2014

India's Foreign Policy: The contradiction and                  similarities between two Ms.

The Foreign policy of India has always been that of a Non- aligned nation. What does it mean to be a non-alinged nation. Non- alinged means we are not with any groups.Groups means the two powerful parts of the world controlled by erstwhile USSR and USA. Infact, we are called the pioneer of the non- alinged movement along with the Ugoslavia of Marshal Tito. As the time passed, the global order changed. We had to open our economy thanks to LPG policy of Manmohan and Narsimha Rao, the then PM and FM respectively. 
The country started riding on the wave of very fast economic growth, though no match to china. Amid all these years and events the foreign policy of our country has changed dramatically and immensely. 

                 Now the Look East Policy was reverted to Look West Policy and we started following western countries not only by their economic policies but their cultures and tradition too. The Last two UPA tenure was mainly focussed on a warm relation with USA. Manmohan realised that the country needs a lot more foreign investment and so MNCs were invited. Investment increased and the result was seen in UPA-1. but what was lacking in the foreign policy of Manmohan is his inability to engage the neighbour countries. and it is here where the foreign policy of the Manmohan govt. failed.

     Now look at the foreign policy of Narendra Modi. Since the time he has become the prime minister of the country, his most important agenda is to engage neighbourhood in a warm relationship with India. Being a dominant power in South Asia India should and must lead south asia, not the hegemonic China. At the same time his hard stance against ceasefire violation is adorable. We must be very pragmatic as far as our interest is concerned. His penchant for luring American investors is also worth praising. The policy of the India should be such that on one hand it must have a good trade relation with the world powers and on the other hand it must have a amiable relations with its neighbours. This was the point where the Manmohan Govt. failed.
The sign is bright , lets hope it will help in shining of the whole south Asian region.

Monday, December 22, 2014

                                  The Beautiful Girl

The moment I saw you,
I was pulled by a string.
I was mesmerized by your beauty,
And your voice hypnotized me.

It was not just your appearance,
It was your beautiful heart,
Filled with lots of emotions
As well as mild anger of some sort.

The way you were overreacting,
So humorous were your expressions
I was giggling by inside,
But I had to show some compassion.

You were a true friend,
I will miss you forever.
Your singing of old songs,
And your gracious behavior.